3 Qualities of a Good Story That Will Impress Girls

When it comes to learning how to impress women, lots of guys learn how to master the approach. They learn what it takes to walk up to a girl and start a conversation, and they know how to carry themselves in a way that attracts the girl so that she’s interested in what he has to say.

It takes time, and it takes practice, but most people can figure out how to approach girls. However, the approach is only the first step. You still need to get and hold an entire conversation, and that means that you need to say things that are interested and give you the appearance of being a male of high status.

What Makes a High Status Conversation?

Your goal – both in body language an in conversation – is to give yourself the appearance of having value. To do that, you need to tell stories that show off your value. Not just any story will do – it needs to be one that really lets the girl see that you’re someone she needs to get to know better. Some of the qualities of a great story include:
  • Humor
Easily the most important quality of a good story is humor. Not everyone is funny and you shouldn’t try to force humor if it isn’t there, but if you know how to be funny, getting a girl laugh is one of the best ways to get her to loosen up around you and find you attractive. There is nothing better to getting a girl to like you than being funny, and funny stories are inherently interesting and will have you listening to every word.
  • Status
Of course, the key to a high status/alpha male story is for it to be a high status/alpha story. These are stories that make you appear worldly and you can learn how to make them easily with the tao of badass ebook. They make you appear as though you have depth to your character. These are stories that make you interesting – stories about travel, or about business ventures, or about an instrument you play, or about a time that you controlled a cool/interesting situation – stories that make you someone that’s either better than other people or gives you more depth of character (like travel).
  • Uniqueness
Finally, a great story is one that makes you, specifically, unique. It’s a story that no one else can tell –a story that makes her see you as different than everybody else. Not everything has to be a unique story. For example, if you recently went on a trip to Cancun, chances are you don’t have anything too interesting to tell. But as often as you can, make sure that the stories you tell make you sound different than everybody else. Talk about specific, interesting situations you found yourself in, or unique scenarios that are specific to you.

Having a Great Conversation

Talking to women isn’t as hard as it sounds. Keeping them interested, though, does take practice. You need to stay away from the boring, generic, conversations that don’t give you any depth and instead find ways to integrate pieces of information that makes you seem like “a somebody” – stories that give you the impression of real status. That’s what will get girls to find you different from all the other boys and that’s where you’ll really make your mark.

3 Reasons to Make Sure You Smell Good to Women

One of the things that pick up artists have learned about attracting women is that most things actually don’t matter. Your looks don’t matter nearly as much as most guys think they do. Your money doesn't matter nearly as much as most guys think it does. The car you drive, the house you own, the job you have – none of these things are as important as most guys believe. It’s all about your presence, and how you create and work with that presence.

But although these things don’t matter, you shouldn't ignore them. You don’t need to have a lot of money, but it can be useful if you do. You don’t need to be good looking, but you should still try to look your best. You don’t need to do any of these things, but they can’t hurt. One of the best examples of this is with your smell – you don’t need to use man scented body washes or wear cologne, but if you’re okay with it, you absolutely should.

Why You Should Smell Good

The reality is that even if it doesn't seem like it, those Old Spice body washes, Axe deodorants, and Polo colognes can help you when it comes to impressing girls. Guys don’t like to hear it, but those “man” scented items can actually help you get women. They have very real benefits, which include:
  • Five Senses
Smell is one of the five senses, and one of only two that isn't covered by most dating techniques is smell. The other three senses are all part of standard techniques for meeting women. The visual is the way you carry yourself, the hearing is the conversation you have, and the touch occurs when you touch her or take up space. The only senses unrepresented are taste and smell. When you smell great, you’re overwhelming another one of her senses. You can save the “taste” sense for later.
  • Memory
Scent is also connected directly to memory. In fact, studies have shown that scent is actually the most memorable of the five senses. When you smell great, you’re leaving a memory with her. Your great scent will then be associated with you, and she’ll think more positively about you. If you also impress her with your conversation, you’ll even make her think about you whenever she smells the same scent in the future.
  • Avoiding Bad Smells
Having no smell won’t hurt you. Also according to the tao of badass review sites online, girls don’t need guys that smell good. But they can be a bit turned off by guys that actively smell bad. For the same reason that smelling good helps the girl associated you with the good scent, so too does a bad smell associate you with a bad scent. You don’t want to be associated with any bad smells, so using products that make you smell good help decrease the chances of any negative associations.

Smell Like a Man, Man

The non-stop advertising campaigns designed to get guys to believe that smelling good will win them lots of women are false. You don’t need to smell good. You need to carry yourself like an alpha male and do what it takes to impress women. But just because they’re not necessary doesn't mean they won’t help. There are legitimately good reasons to smell good for women, and it’s something you should strongly consider when you’re ready to enhance your dating.

Why Your Crush Rejected You

Think of your last big crush that wasn’t interested in you. Chances are you worshipped her, and thought she was perfect. She could do no wrong. You tried to show her how much you care about her, and how you’ll make her happy, and she wasn’t interested at all. She may have even gone out with some jerk. You probably convinced yourself it’s because she’s attracted to bad guys.

That’s not it at all.

The truth is, she’s attracted to guys that she sees the exact way you see her. She wants a guy that can get any girl he wants. She wants a guy that CHOOSES her, not a guy that wants her and only her. She wants to be the one to prove to a guy that she’s worth it, not the other way around.

The reason your attempts failed is because you were trying to win her love. But women are attracted to guys that THEY feel they have to earn. It’s why they end up going out with jerks. Because jerks are the kinds of guys that don’t look like they’re begging for their affection.

So the next time you wonder why the girl you’re into doesn’t seem to like you back, you’ve answered your own question. The reason she doesn’t like you back is because she’s the only girl you’re into, and she isn’t attracted to guys that she doesn’t have to impress. Never focus on any one girl. Instead, get to know any and all women you meet, and let them fight it out over you.

WARNING: 5 Secrets to Picking Up Girls the Players Don’t Want You to Know

Players don’t want you to know this. Women don’t even want you to know this. The truth is that women are not as complicated as they think they are. The truth is that you can get any girl with some very basic secrets that help guys become more confident and ready to impress any girl they come across.

Pick Up Secret 1: Show Confident Body Language

Before you do anything, you need to learn confident body language. Women don’t mind if you’re shy, but they do mind it you look like someone that is afraid to talk to them. Confident body language is the number one key to attracting women.

Pick Up Secret 2: Don’t Focus On One Girl

You can’t have crushes if you want to impress girls. Crushes are when you like one girl too much. If you do that, you’ll show her too much attention and subordinate body language.

Pick Up Secret 3: Be Picky

Girls like guys that don’t need them. They like guys they want to impress. You need to be picky. Get to know each girl looking for reasons not to want them, no matter how hot they are.

Pick Up Secret 4: Have Life Experiences

Women also like guys with depth and a history that makes them interesting. And if you didn't know the tao of badass pdf can help you learn a lot too. You won’t be able to sound interesting unless you do lots of interesting things in life – things that will give you stories to talk about and more character.

Pick Up Secret 5: Don’t Suck Up

Lots of girls tell boring stories, or get into boring conversation. If you laugh at stupid jokes or pretend like talking about their cats is interesting, she’ll pick up on your behavior and be less interested in you, even if she thinks she’s interesting.

Getting the Girl

These are just a few of the most basic tips on getting girls. The reality is that winning women really is simple – it’s something you can easily do, as long as you know what it takes to attract women.